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Website Maintenance

Website development and maintenance has become the vital part of all business activity as it has become the source for generating sales lead.

Just owing a website is not enough. Once your website is up and running online, the following are essential:

a) Web site Management.

b) Web site Maintenance.

Our web development team at Apex does more than jut maintaining your existing websites and applications. We work continuously to fix bugs upgrade and enhance your present application by adding new content which invites search engine crawlers to your site for its optimization.

Our cost-effective website maintenance will take the burden off your shoulders and you are free from the regular updates and expansions. We offer a range of Website Maintenance services which otherwise would be difficult for you to manage without seeking professional help.

Our Website Maintenance services include

  • Verify from time to time that your site is running and take appropriate action if it is down.

  • Check broken links to keep your site away from them.

  • Check search engines ranking on regular time basis and make minor SEO adjustments if required.

  • Create full backup copy of your web site. Communication with third-party service providers (credit card processor, hosting company, information suppliers) on your behalf.

  • Database and content management for dynamic websites.

  • Image management.

  • Web sever administration and hosting services

To test and judge our abilities Please use the Form to ask for a FREE Sample of your project. To know more about the services provided and a cost proposal send in an email at info@apexeindia.com.

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